How to Clean Up Cultural Conditioning
Sweeping Away Injustices
As I witness the devastation done to our community, it conjures memories of my first experience with abuse of power. In the summer of 1970, when I was seven years old, my parents bought a ma and pa motel and restaurant. Our entire family rolled up our sleeves and went to work in anticipation of the Fourth of July weekend. My sister and I filled ketchup bottles, made ice, and set tables to prepare for the busiest weekend of the year. What happened next has stayed with me for a lifetime.
The Hells Angels
piled in, filling every table. They did not harm us, but they used
intimidation to make us feel powerless, eating our food and refusing to
pay, writing graffiti on the walls with ketchup, and shoving
silverware in the radiators. They lined up their bikes across the
parking lot and spent the day basking in the sun. We watched in horror as
our potential customers drove by, afraid to stop. In the morning,
we took our brooms to the parking lot, sweeping away the
have always struggled to accept the unfairness in this complicated yet
beautiful world. I wish I could sweep away the suffering that
we have been dealing with, pandemics, racism, police brutality, and
riots. Interestingly viruses wake up parts of the body that are asleep
and force our cells to open up and expand. The virus of racism is
forcing us to awaken and courageously look at our history. The
containments of injustice and powerlessness are the underlying cause of illness.
How do
we clean up these social diseases and cultural conditioning that divide us? We
listen, and we ask what we can learn from this? We read books and hear stories
from people who do not look like us. We use our voice to call and email those
who have political and economic power. We have conversations with our children,
our parents, and our friends. We claim and use our power in greater and wiser
ways to rebuild new systems for a new paradigm. We recognize
that each individual has value and a contribution to our society. We show
empathy towards ourselves and others as we begin to understand and heal and correct
these injustices. We realize we are all one, and the more we work together, the
sooner we will reach our higher human potential.
Rogers told the story of when he was a boy and would see scary things in the
news, his mother would say to him, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find
people who are helping.’ He said in times of disaster, he remembered his
mother’s words and was comforted by realizing that there were so many
helpers—so many caring people in this world. In Minneapolis, we witnessed many
helpers of all ages and races take to the streets with brooms, shovels, gloves,
and masks to sweep away deeply held, entrenched, and unnamed racial prejudices.
We witnessed neighborhoods standing in solidarity, looking out for each other
to prevent arsonists from burning down their homes. We watched talented artists
paint murals. We experienced peaceful crowds of people uniting for a cause,
reminding us that love is powerful, and compassion is a real demonstration of
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